
How to read the current bad blocks list for the disk?

The commands like: sudo badblocks -sv /dev/sda1 > bads.txt sudo e2fsck -l bads.tst /dev/sda1 or sudo e2fsck -ckvt

How to mark bad blocks on HDD? - hard drive

You can simply run: sudo fsck -vck /dev/sdbx This will run a filesystem check but also check for badblocks and add them to the filesystem.

Linux 使用badblocks 指令測試硬碟、隨身碟、記憶卡壞軌與修復教學

本篇介紹如何在Linux 系統中使用 badblocks 指令檢查磁碟的壞軌,並且配合 mkfs 等指令修復壞軌。 一般的硬碟、隨身碟或記憶卡等儲存設備,在使用久了 ...


badblocks is a Linux utility to check for bad sectors on a disk drive. It can create a text file with a list of these sectors that can be used with other ...

How to Check for Bad Blocks?

So I guess Gparted cannot check for bad blocks, the only option I see is under Partition there is a Check and repair file system, which ...

Master the Linux 'badblocks' Command

badblocks is an essential utility in Linux for identifying bad sectors on your disk. Its extensive options allow for different types of tests.

Linux 硬碟壞軌測試(badblocks)

badblocks是Unix-like作業系統下用來檢查類似於磁碟分區這樣的設備上是否存在壞道的命令行程序,其功能類似於Microsoft Windows或DOS作業系統中的SCANDISK或CHKDSK。運行後 ...

Really Remapping Bad Blocks on disk

I have a SATA drive which has a total of 8 bad blocks identified by the badblocks program. Supposedly the drive firmware should be able to remap them and ...


badblocks is a program to test storage devices for bad blocks. In modern HDDs and SSDs firmware automatically detects defective sectors and, where possible, ...

How to Check Bad Sectors or Bad Blocks on Hard Disk in Linux

A badblocks program enables users to scan a device for bad sectors or blocks. The device can be a hard disk or an external disk drive, ...


Thecommandslike:sudobadblocks-sv/dev/sda1>bads.txtsudoe2fsck-lbads.tst/dev/sda1orsudoe2fsck-ckvt,Youcansimplyrun:sudofsck-vck/dev/sdbxThiswillrunafilesystemcheckbutalsocheckforbadblocksandaddthemtothefilesystem.,本篇介紹如何在Linux系統中使用badblocks指令檢查磁碟的壞軌,並且配合mkfs等指令修復壞軌。一般的硬碟、隨身碟或記憶卡等儲存設備,在使用久了 ...,badblocksisaLinuxutilitytocheckforbadsecto...